Investments to MPS began returning


 A new MPS EF 520 complex (made in the Netherlands) reaches design capacity in our printing shop. We have switched orders of the most complicated design to this eight-section machine.

“Having switched a part of orders to new high-speed equipment we have already increased capacity of printing department” said Pavel Pronin, Production Director. “Besides its rate MPS is also notable for the greater width of material working surface, that is why production of even first batches when our personnel is just polishing up their skills brought us a substantial increase of production rates.”

Commissioning and test run of equipment lasted more than one month. After stepwise start-up and functional tests of all assemblies and mechanisms our personnel passed trainings concerning setting of every process parameter. All tests were supervised by MPS official dealer engineer. Color profile roll-up was witnessed by the representatives of our supplier of flexographic plates and color proofs.

Connecting of nitrogen dryers and obtaining a guarantee for it became a separate phase of commissioning the machine. Specialists of a unit manufacturer GEW (England) provided us necessary technical support during this process.